Qualified candidates that match your requirements!

Our recruitment platform offers packages that include targeted job postings on our platform, reaching a wide audience of qualified international job seekers. We also provide the option to browse candidate profiles and filter results based on your specific criteria. As a client of AllWorldJob, you gain exclusive access to our network of international talents. Our dedicated team of recruitment professionals works closely with you to understand your specific requirements, present pre-screened candidates, and facilitate the entire recruitment process, from initial search to final interviews. We are committed to delivering quality recruitment services, based on transparency, reliability, and efficiency. Our goal is to help you find the most qualified candidates who align with your company culture and specific requirements. We are specialized in recruiting highly skilled professionals in the sectors of oil and gas, petrochemicals, energy, and industrial industries. Our recruitment services encompass various O&M (Operations and Maintenance) services, including facility maintenance, facility management, operations support, performance improvement, preparation operations, commissioning, and startup. Our recruitment offerings are designed to assist you in finding the right candidates for your specific needs. We understand the critical importance of hiring professionals with specialized knowledge and experience in these sectors. Whether you require expertise in oil and gas operations, project management, process engineering, HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), or maintenance services, we are dedicated to identifying and connecting you with qualified professionals who can contribute to the success of your operations.

(76) Planner job in Iraq by AGR Consultancy Solutions

Description: We are looking for experienced Planners to take on a long term land drilling project in Southern Iraq. This work is set to last around 2-5 years and is on a 28/28 rotation. To apply for this position you must have had previous experience working on a drilling team, preferably on a land

(75) Rope Access Technician job in Angola by Scantec Personnel Limited

Rope Access Technician x 2 28 x 28 rotation working on platform offshore angola. Candidates must be Level 3 qualified and have a valid BOSIET with offshore experience. Ideally experience already in West Africa. Terms: Paid travel days Flights Local taxes Medical Insurance Transport

(74) Solution gestion full web Republication

.NET , XML , MySQL , Langage de programmation , bases de donn?es , Web , Javascript , ASP

(73) Comparateur et plateforme de mise en relation

Web , Cr?ation sites , Graphismes , Langages de programmation

(72) Integration dun Site Web de Presentation

Site Web 2.0 , site personnalise , Web , CSS

(71) Linky - Application Android -IOS

Applications mobiles, langages de programmation ,IPhone , Android

(70) Boutique en ligne

Web , Graphisme , Bases de donn?es, cr?ation sites, site personnalise

(68) Developpement platforme web J2EE Groovy Grails developpement -Republication

Web , Langage de programmation , Java , Javascript , J2EE , Autre

(67) Site de location et vente de produits

Web , Graphisme , chartes graphiques, cr?ation site ,site de vente en ligne

(66) Projet site E-commerce avec configurateur 3 d

Web , CMS , CAO/PAO , Graphismes , chartes graphiques , bases de donn?es , Creation site ,site personnalise?s , site de vente en ligne , gestion de contenu