(880) HSE Engineer

Job purpose & Scope: Positively contribute to the planning and supervising of implementation of the company Health, Safety and Environment Management System including Emergency Programs and Plans. Ensure clear and comprehensive understanding of the system, by giving advice and assisting Site Management. Provide assurance that all significant hazards arising from operational activities are identified and controlled. Investigate incidents/accidents. Assist Site Management in its advisory role on preventive measures to eliminate/reduce effects to Health, Safety and environment of personnel and installation. Principal Accountabilities: a.)Provide advice on HSE matters to UA Superintendent and all Site Services; to assist them in their direct responsibility for Health, Safety and Environment by promoting their awareness to HSE issues to create and maintain HSE culture that supports the Health, Safety & Environment movement system. b.)Monitor and control implementation of all procedures related to the maintenance and effectiveness of safety, lifesaving and emergency equipment and inspect work activities and equipment to ensure correct operation and that procedures are implemented. Ensure that effective records are kept and updated for all equipment under his control. c.)Coordinate and participate in applying risk management techniques to identify and evaluate HSE hazards/risks in UA field, its facilities and work activities and recommend measures to Site Management on measures to reduce them. d.)Promote safe working systems and procedures. Monitor and advise on proper application of Permit to Work system, conducting gas and atmospheric tests, participating in actual Job Watch as and where necessary; such as hot tapping, mechanical sealing/plugging, entry into dangerous confined spaces and ensuring that all Safety regulations and practices are adhered to. e.)Liaise and coordinate with HSE Department/Technical on matters related to studying & commenting on engineering designs and drawings pertaining to modifications of plant, equipment, installations or projects works to ensure adherence to HSE rules, standards and codes of practice, during all phases of implementation on Site. f.)Assist in the formulation, development and implementation of field HSEMS elements and programs through the organization of resources and documentation for a sound performance. Ensure the availability of current HSE manuals, codes of practices, standing instructions, standards and other related HSE documents or publications, to maintain an up to date approach and any amendments that may provide improvement. g.)Conduct frequent audits and inspections to ensure the effectiveness of HSE programs and procedures. Present recommendations for improvement and follow-up their implementation. h.)Assist UA Superintendent in dealing with emergency situations; investigate incidents resulting in injuries, property damage or near misses, to evaluate and determine causes and preventive measures. Prepare reports and make recommendations including action plans to alleviate such situations and take preventative measures. Maintain follow up to ensure adequate implementation of recommendations. i.)Investigate incidents of oil or environmental pollution, and liaise with concerned departments to implement a cleaning programme; prepare reports on such incidents together with comments and observation. j.)Coordinate, monitor, prepare agenda and follow-up the implementation of recommendations raised from the Site HSE committees, other HSE related meetings, and HSE audit surveys by third parties.

Salaire proposé
Domaine de travail
Émirats arabes unis
Abu dhabi
Niveau d'enseignement
Type de travailleurs
Compétences demandées
HSE Engineer